The Assignment Of The Queen Of Coast Against Christian Series 2

Divine Revelations
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The Assignment Of The Queen Of Coast Against Christian Series 2

The Assignment Of The Queen Of the Coast Against Christian
After the queen of the coast congratulate Titi on her success on the first and second phase of her assignment on Evangelist Bayonle, she said unto her. Now that you have finally gotten married to him, begin your operation immediately; begin to attack his vision and ministry. No time wasting! , No playing around, No hiding of intention.

Do whatever you wish to do and begin your operation against his ministry and vision. Your major assignment is to destroyed his vision and his evangelical assignment, Now that he’s married to you, this will make it very easier for us, destroy his vision, destroy his Testimonies!! Destroy his Evangelical Assignments.
Other Series Of Marine Kingdom Exposed ;  The Assignment Of The Queen Of Coast Series 1; AND  Series 3.
Turn his heart against God, and lastly, destroy him with immediate effect, let him begin to have the pains by getting married to you, made him know he has made a terrible mistake of his life, he must never know peace again, keep your body from him to hurt him seriously, made him know he has made a great mistake of his life by getting married to you now, go and begin your operation.
You know we don't have much time, remember the Region of the second heaven has instructed, each of the 5 marine kingdoms to send 600 thousand special trained ladies into the world to operate among the children of God and make sure they are married to them to destroy their vision and their spiritual ambition, it is the special plans, made by master Lucifer in the kingdom of the second heaven and the total of every marine region ladies, of the 600, 000 will be 30 million trained ladies from the entire marine regions spreading all over the world especially the country which are evangelically dangerous for our mission, like churches of God in Nigeria,
Because Nigeria is one of the most dangerous country, so, 3 marine region has being assigned to Nigeria alone, which means, 1,800,000 trained ladies assigned to Nigeria churches alone, because Nigeria, is becoming the evangelical overseer over the nation of Africa, and several Nigeria evangelist has even gone beyond in evangelizing as far as Britain and other part of the world.
Now the kingdom of Darkness has determine to attacked the vision and ambition of young men of God who are not yet gotten married, these ladies are to get in contact with them very fast, get married to them and destroyed their vision and their spiritual ambition and the works has started already. I personally chose you as a special agent to attack that young man call Bayonle, because of his great call.

READ ALSO; Mission Of The Queen Of The Coast Against The Church.
His God has made him to be a destructive fire evangelist against our kingdom , and through my investigation, I’ve found out that he was a militant soldier of God when he was on campus, and God has called him to be a powerful evangelist, bible teacher and he also has a spiritual project ahead which are Television evangelism, establishment of bible schools , publication of evangelical magazine, world-wide traveling evangelism, organization of city wide crusades , international ministry HQ in London, African ministry HQ in Kenya and his ministerial operation will begin soon, he’s highly loaded, his case must not be handled with fair hands, that’s why I’ve chosen you as a high rank agent to destroy him with your well loaded power.
He has a mighty and destructive project against the kingdom of darkness, his project is so many and we must act fast on him, not just any lady can carry on the assignment, but a well-equipped one, this is why am sending you to him to begin the operation. As you know, your assignments are in seven phases.
  1. You are to get closed to him and become his friend.
  2.  Project was to seduced him to marry you. 
  3. Third distract him from his vision.
  4. Nullify all his future evangelical project.
  5. Fifth Destroy his ministry.
  6. Draw his hearth away from God. 
  7. Lastly destroyed him.
Now that you have succeeded in the second phase of the project, now begin the third phase with immediate effect, he has break an edge, and serpent must bite him, I knew we will succeed when I found out that, all his prayers centered on getting wife, I don’t think he can wait for God much longer, so we used the chance on him
Bro Bayonle refused to seek for the counsel of God any further after sister Titi told him a false dream that she saw both her and bayonle doing the work of evangelism together in dream, since she’s a very pretty and beautiful lady, bayonle believe her dream to be true, and he fail to pray further perhaps God might change his mind concerning her,
He fails to be very sure of the counsel of God concerning the Lady Titi, because Bayonle has already established a feelings in his heart concerning her, not knowing he was under spell the moment he gazed on her. He never knew she has already been armed with instrument of seduction, and Bayonle couldn’t discern it, he fails to perceive the evil operation of darkness around him.
She succeeded in seducing him to marry her, using spiritual strategy and tactics of advance hypocrisy, so she was well armed with the instruments of seduction, she made use of an invisible SPIRITUAL LIPSTICKS manufactured from marine occult intelligence laboratory, when she use it, her lips draw like honey comb in eye of Bayonle and her mouth looks sweet like honey, such that every word she said got stick in his heart and her word keeps ringing in his ears, even long after she has gone, such that when he sleeps, her voice keeps ringing in his ears.
Bayonle never knew she has made use of spiritual invisible EYEBROW for it to makes all her entire face charming before Bayonle, captivating and seductive, when his eyes meet with her own, he was spiritually entrapped and fell in love with her, he never knew she has made use of a demonic and SPIRITUAL PERFUME, that made the whole atmosphere subject to her, such that when she was talking with Bayonle all his power of self-control became weaken, Bayonle never knew she has made use of a MAGNETIC POWERFUL PERFUME that pull men to any lady that apply it and she was attracted to him when he saw her.
He lust after her because of the seductive armor she used and he had sleepless night because of her, he was not watchful, even when he pray, he keeps seeing her in dream, not knowing she has registered her in his mind. He has forgoten that it’s the most dangerous and delicate decision to make in life, he was restless, and never stop having sleepless night until he finally made a proposal to marry her, his ear was blocked to his pastors warning, he told his pastor he’s very sure she is the will of God for his life, what can his pastor say? Nothing.
His ears was blocked to the holy spirit warning and his eyes was blind to see the things in the dark, he couldn’t stand under the seductive spell for 3 days, and he propose to marry her, she agree since that’s her mission too, and they both got married. She accomplish her phase 1 and 2 assignment when she got married with Bayonle, 
She begin her assignment by making people who surrounded him hate him, SINCE HE HAS A CALL TO WORK FOR THE LORD, whenever churches come to invite him for programs, she would made up great lies that her husband is too occupied, that he can’t come for the program, she became cruel and wicked to even his pastor, and everybody started avoiding Bayonle,
Many time she tells series of lies about her husband things that will even made people to hate him, whenever she found out that some people are coming from long distance to invite him for a program, she may begin to cry bitterly, and when they enter, she may said he beat her because she complained of the women he sleeps around with. I told him it’s wrong for a man of God to commit adultery then he beat me and left. Who will invite an adulterer to preach? Then they will walk away.
One day she said her husband has traveled when she realized that they have come to invite him for a great program, she lied her husband has traveled and won’t be coming until two months time, when he’s at home sleeping, suddenly when Bayonle heard voices, he came out, and the men were surprised, they said, Madam, but you said your husband is not at home? Then she gave them a dirty slap, and called them a liar, such that these men have to beg her and left. Bayonle was shocked to see this, then no one wants to invite him for program again.
She also caused problems and embarrassment to the whole church which her husband attends, then it became clear to many that Bayonle has made a costly mistake by getting married to her, whenever the church decide to organize a prayer that can affect her spiritual power, she will know in her room, and she will made everything possible to stop her husband from attending it. many time she cook with her urine, at times with human blood and flesh, this are to weaken down his husband spirit to the extent that she now hold meeting even in Bayonle house, at times she can change into a snake and sit on Bayonle while sleeping, without an harm.
Then later she became more cruel, and wicked toward him, whenever he want to fast, she will made up a fight to destroy his fasting, she will disturb him from praying, she would cook and will never cook for her husband, he made him starve seriously and go skeleton, she never gave him free access to her body also, and this made him worry so much and Bayonle decided to employ a housemaid.

When she knew that, she arranged for another agent from the sea, to disguised as an housemaid, which also helped her to finish up her mission. The house girl show him much care, love until she found a place In his heart, the house girl looks innocent but with an evil mission. because of this problems, Bayonle hardly pray again.
Whenever the house girl cook for him, the wife will beat the house girl (pretending to hate her) one day Bayonle became mad at his wife and start beating her wife, he never knew there are some minister coming from oversea to invite him for a program, but she knew before making up the fight. When they came in, they saw him beating her wife, they were very surprised and left.
Few weeks later Bayonle became a drunkard and started committing adultery with the house girl after she succeeded in seducing him, because all his anointing has being drained away and the Holy spirit has left him, then she transferred a dangerous poison into his body , after which the housemaid and the wife review themselves to him and vanish, but luckily, his pastor came at that very point, and saw Bayonle dying, he told the Pastor all that has happened and tell him to warn every youth that has a call to always wait for God’s appointed time, and never to rush into choosing a life partner, he prayed for mercy and he died. Mission Accomplished. (Ref..Mike Bamiloye,)
Great Mistake
Many men of God you see today are seriously living in fire due to the same mistake Bayonle made. you who are seeing them may not know it, but they knew they are doom. many true preacher who suddenly changed are as a result of this same issue, they now preached what their wife want them to preach for they themselve has being chained under the sea. many men of God end up in hell as a result of wrong husband and wife. now it's your turn. will you also make the same mistake?
Whosoever will walk with God must learn to be patience, for God was never too in hurry Ecc3:11. He  made all things beautiful in his own time, just cast all your burden on the Lord because, If you marry a wrong person, you have no ministry again, no matter the kind of powerful or strong ambition you may have for the Lord, it can never stand if you get married to a wrong lady, No man, and I repeat, there is no Man that God will use without a special woman, specially prepared to help him and back him up to hold up his visions, you must learn to wait patiently for God to give you his best, wait for the bones of your bones and flesh of your flesh

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Jeremiah 29:11, the Lord want you to cast all your cares on him and not to be worried about your futures or any needs, this is a special promise from the lord that he will takes care of all our needs that he will take care of you and give you desire of your heart, so be trusting in the lord and will give you the best,
You can’t rush the Lord, you must learn to be patience with God Don’t be carried away because the sister in your church who is very zealous, fervent and faithful in the service of the Lord, most especially on campus, God did called Bayonle to take the gospel all over the world because he will be an international evangelist.
God wanted to use him extensively, to use him to expand his kingdom all over the world, and trough him, uncountable souls are to be shown the way of righteousness, he should have a popular and influential evangelical ministry, and people will always be set to listen to his sermon but he failed. This is a great warning to the youth and singles that has true and genuine call from the Lord, If you really want the counsel of God to be fulfilled in your life, then you have to walk with God patiently, else the devil takes advantage of your impatience like he did on Bayonle.
This is what the Holy Spirit wants every young man who really wants to serve the Lord to know, Be patience with the Lord to give you the right partner, who will be able to back you up and help you to fulfill his vision for your life. Don’t look your age, don’t look at what your parent are saying to you, 3 of your younger sister has given birth and your younger brother has gotten married, don’t look at that even if you are the first son of the family, they have their life to live and yours to live.
Even if they conclude you have internal problem, you have problem in your body, let them come up will different kind of suggestions, just to pressurized you so as to fasten up your getting married, think less about the matter and focus on the mission the Lord committed into your heart, Putting this burden in your heart will only give room to satan fill your heart constantly with the thought of whom to marry, you may be deceived by the devil, so be very watchful, be careful and be patience at this junction

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