How To Change Your Wife In 30 Days

Divine Revelations
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How To Change Your Wife In 30 Days

How To Change Your Wife In 30 Days

Thanks for checking out the trick on how to change your wife within 30 days but afore to that revelation, “Why Do You Really Want To Change Your Wife?
Anyway it may interest you to know that some years back in the United
States a book titled "HOW TO CHANGE YOUR WIFE IN 30 DAYS" sold two
million copies in one week before the author discovered that the title
had a spelling error!

The correct spelling should have been: "HOW TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN 30
DAYS". After the correction, for a whole month, only three copies were
sold. Hence am still inquiring "why exactly do you want change your wife
in 30 days?

  1. Does it mean she is not honest and you want to makes her becomes one?

  2. Does it mean she is not pretty and you want to brings out the beauty in her?

  3. Does it mean she is not respectful and you want to makes her submissive?

  4. Does it mean she is lazy and you want to re-defined her into activeness?

  5. Does it mean she nagged the hell out of you and you want to makes her subtle?


Whatever result you want to achieved and bring-out of from your wife
begins with YOU. Your wife is a fragile and emotional element and before
you can redefined or re-build or changes her to your taste you
obviously need to first CHANGE YOURSELF.

READ ALSO: How To Find A Good Woman For A Wife Material.

Though there are some crazy and haughty women all over the globe who are
bound to remains unlearn and stubborn. The best way to re-published
such element is to petitioned her unto God in prayers and impact some
effort in your interactiveness with her. And keep utilizing those
efforts with a supportive praying and fasting while applying below
inputs on how to change the character of your wife.


  1. A woman Is Not A Finish Good: It's your responsibility to
    discovered the area in which often makes your wife to regret her past
    failure in life and ensure you shower her all the cares and love that
    will makes her feels as if she is already in Heaven for the rest of her
    life because every woman needs a repair.

  2. A woman Is Always Emotional: You must understand how your
    partner feels and her changes in mood and ensure you are always around
    to encourages and makes her feel love because she is child and must be

  3. A woman Need To Be Trained: It's you responsibility to
    trained-up your wife in a way that will befit you because she is a
    child, her parent had done their best and it now left for you to treat
    her according to your taste.

READ ALSOHow To Train And Instruct Your New Wedded Wife.

She is your child, precious jewel and apple of your eyes. Hence
whatsoever character or attitude you want her to cultivate or portrayed
begins immediately you got married to her and not 2-3 years after

It is your responsibility to trained her accordingly, taught her about
do's & don't of your life and policies. Ensure you introduce her to
your best enemies and best friends, parade around the globe with her and
instruct her, gives her rules and regulations and i promised you; as
she grows in that marriage she will always honored those first

However if you refuse to lecture and re-package her to your taste; you
are laying a very faulty foundation in your marriage because she is just
a child and didn't know between her left and right in that new family.
so you must serves as a digital compass guide to her, and afterward you
will see an entire new branded person and new wife in her.


This is how to change your wife or her character because getting married
to another wife for replacement or walking-out of your responsibility
due to her ugly character is like falling from Heaven into an eternal
torment of Hell. All women are the same; you can't find a perfect and honorable one. Never!!! — You can't but you can only behold some few who are fair in character.

Howbeit, it's your responsibility to keep on fighting through with new
tactics, approach and keep on studying her with all zeal and
mindfulness, cumbered with divine intervention through prayers. Don't
forget, "She is a woman and must surely act as a woman"

"Her daily mission is to always talk and talk and keep talking while
your mission is to keep listening and listening and keep on listening to
She doesn't literally need your money but rather your
affections and some cares or attention. If your primary duty is to keep
satisfying her with money, gift and luxuries items without spending
quality time with her, probably due to the nature of your job or
professional careers such as, pastor, doctor, contractor, business
tycoon etc

Honestly your are ignorantly setting-up a time-bomb that will soon
explode and blast-off your silly head. It's doesn't matter if she has
been Born-Again since 19-Abraham and receive the Holy-Ghost since
19-Moses. She must surely behave as a woman. That is her nature because a
leopard can't change her skin and likewise she can't change her God
giving nature.

READ ALSO: The Perfect Ways Of Building A Successful Marriage.

Moreover, don't be surprise when she starts misbehaving or commenced
telling lies, covering up or start playing away match in your
matrimonial bed. You are obviously the root of your problem and this is
reason why the change has to begin with YOU before trying to change your

About a year ago while counseling a woman whom marriage is in
spunky-shaky. She practically informed me with evident that SHE DID NOT
LOVE HER HUSBAND BUT ONLY LOVE HIS MONEY. She continues; "He is not caring and doesn't know how i feels and doesn't even cares to know"

I discovered that she felt imprisoned in her marriage despite the money,
cars and investment but yet that doesn't make a different because they
are all liability while your wife is an asset which ought to be pampered
and honored. I hope someone has grabbed some vital point in this update
because a woman doesn't need to be CHANGE but only needs an UPGRADE.

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